How to adjust your squarespace blog pagination settings

This tutorial will show you how to alter the font and size of your previous and next blog post titles that appear at the bottom of your current blog. This tutorial is applicable for Squarespace 7.1.

Complexity: Easy

Step 1

To modify the blog post pagination settings, click on the paintbrush icon located at the top right, leading you into Edit mode

Step 2

Within Site Styles select the Fonts option.

Step 3:

Scroll down to Assign Styles.

Step 4:

Assign Styles for your Squarespace blog post.

Step 5:

Changing the Pagination Site Styles:

  • Style: If you click on the down arrow you’ll see a few options, Paragraphs, Heading, Miscellaneous, Custom.

  • Family: This option allows for the selection of available font to use.

  • Weight: Allows for the determination of the weight or boldness of the font. .

  • Style: You have the option of normal or italic.

  • Letter Spacing: Here you can adjust the amount of spacing between each character.

  • Text Transform: Gives you the option of Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalise or None (this is the default).

  • Line Height: Here you can adjust how much space is between the line items.

  • Pagination Size: This is where you would set the size of the blog post pagination size.



In conclusion, that's the entire process to adjust the size of your blog post pagination. Enjoy your blogging journey, and if you found this post helpful, don't hesitate to let us know!

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