How to Justify text on your Squarespace website

This tutorial will guide you through the process of justifying text on your Squarespace website. While the option to justify text is not currently available within the text block settings, we can still achieve this effect by utilising custom CSS code. There might be situations where you desire a justified text alignment for specific sections of your site, and with the help of the steps outlined in this tutorial, you'll be able to implement the necessary custom CSS code to accomplish this. Follow along to learn how to justify text on your Squarespace website and enhance the visual presentation of your content.

A useful tool you can use to identify the #collection-id and #blockidnumber is a Chrome Extension called Squarespace Collection/Block Identifier ( which I fully recommend.

Complexity: Easy

Use this code to justify text blocks on a specific page

#collection-id {
 text-align: justify;

Use this code to justify text blocks in a specific section (Squarespace 7.1)

#collection-id {
#page .page-section:nth-of-type(1) {
 text-align: justify;

Use this code to justify a specific text block

#blockidnumber {
 text-align: justify;
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