How to change font size on mobile on Squarespace
Having a mobile friendly website is now very important for any business moving forward. So greater emphasis must be placed on providing a great user experience as search engines prioritise websites that account for this, by looking at how your website responds when viewed on a mobile device.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to resize font sizes on Squarespace for mobile screens.
Complexity: Easy
To change font size on Squarespace for mobile screens, simply copy the code below:
Mobile Breakpoints
Use this code to resize font size
A full working example, is shown below, which you will paste in your Design > Custom CSS.
From your Squarespace account, go to the Custom CSS Editor. paste the code into the Custom CSS editor box. You can then adjust the font-size value to your desire size e.g ‘font-size: 1rem ! important’ to ‘font-size: 0.5rem ! important‘.